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Meet Maria Doherty, a proud Carrigart native with a deep commitment to her community.
Maria Doherty attended primary school in Scoil Colmchille Devlinreagh and secondary school in Loreto College Milford and achieved a higher certificate in Business Studies from Southeast Technological University and an honours degree in Economics, Politics and Law from Dublin City University.
Maria has worked for over 30 years in the public sector and Community and Voluntary Sector in the area of Education and Training both in Dublin and Donegal.
From being deeply involved in her community on the Mevagh peninsula, Maria is a member of a number of Boards of Management such as Mulroy College, Secondary School in Milford. Ceim Aniar, local Irish language organisation responsible for promoting the language in Rosguill, Mevagh Family Resource centre and is also a board member of the Milford District Resource Centre a Community Development organisation for the Milford LEA area and a local committee member of the Mevagh Darkness into Light group.
Maria Doherty became involved in politics in her teens in Donegal and is a long-time activist in Sinn Féin and has always been a strong advocate of women in politics. In her years of activism Maria has devised numerous national campaigns for Sinn Féin over the past 30 years including Referendum, General, EU and Local Election Campaigns.
Tá gaeilge líofa ag Maria agus ba mhaith léi tacaíocht a thabharit le líon na gcainteoirí Gaeilge a fhás agus pobail teanga níos beoga a fhorbairt go háirithe i measc ár ndaoine óga.
As an Irish speaker she has a strong interest in the preserving and promoting our vibrant language and culture and investing in supports to grow the number of Irish speakers and develop employment opportunities for our Gaeltacht communities.
Maria is passionate about providing rural communities with opportunities to develop and prosper. She will be if elected an advocate for providing rural communities with opportunities to develop and prosper with the same economic possibilities as the rest of the country.
Maria will work with the SF team to provide more affordable and social housing and also will continue to campaign for the delivery of a real and accessible 100% redress scheme for defective block homeowners.
There is also an urgent need to provide accessible and affordable childcare for working families. The Milford LEA needs urgently to invest in rural roads, rural villages and to overall improve infrastructure and services. Investment and supports are also needed to continue to develop community and youth services.
Sinn Féin will work hard to deliver for the community in the Milford LEA on housing, health, and investment in Local Communities.
Change is so needed and if people want change, then they need to vote for it, it starts here in the Local elections, Maria wants to be part of the SF team in Donegal County Council advocating for the Milford Area.
Maria Doherty: ‘If people want change, they need to vote for it’ was last modified: May 13th, 2024 by