Blaney supporters rally for EU race after party selection loss

A grassroots campaign has been launched to give Senator Niall Blaney another chance to run for European Parliament.

Senator Blaney was edged out at a party convention yesterday, where Laois-Offaly TD Barry Cowen was chosen to represent the Midlands-North-West constituency for the upcoming elections.

Blaney’s supporters are now seeking to have two Fianna Fáil candidates on the ballot paper.

The Fianna Fáil Donegal Comhairle Dáil Ceantair this morning sent a letter appealing to Party Headquarters to add Senator Blaney to the Fianna Fáil ticket.

In the letter, the Donegal Executive stated “It is the view of the party in Donegal that the addition of Senator Blaney will ensure a strong performance in the European Elections and afford Fianna Fáil the opportunity to win two seats.”

A spokesperson said: “Last night Senator Niall Blaney came in on 1,071 votes just 71 behind Deputy Barry Cowen’s 1,142.  It was clear from the ballot boxes, while Donegal members got behind Senator Blaney, the Senator had received huge support from across the entire Midlands North West membership.”

Sligo Comhairle Dáil Ceantair have this afternoon also wrote a letter to Fianna Fáil Headquarters stating that they are backing Senator Blaney for Europe and encourage the Senator’s addition to the ticket.

Blaney supporters rally for EU race after party selection loss was last modified: February 6th, 2024 by Staff Writer

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